N. G. Beram Veterans Association

Nicholas G. Beram Veterans Association

Welcome to the Nicholas G. Beram Veteran's Association website.

This site has been set up and hosted, courtesy of the St. John of Damascus Church in Dedham, to provide you with easy access to information and forms

Click on the program below to get more information.

Watch for N. G. Beram Veterans' Scholastic Achievement Awards Application to be posted at a later date.

The Nicholas G. Beram

Veteran's Association

72nd Anniversary Celebration and
52nd Scholastic Achievement Awards Banquet

Saturday, November 24, 2018
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Hilton Hotel Dedham
25 Allied Dr, Dedham, MA 02026
(Exit 14 Route 95/128)

Program Ad Book

We hope you will support our organization by placing an Ad in our Program Book which will be distributed at the banquet.

This would be a perfect time to remember a loved one, honor a relative or friend, congratulate our awardees or promote your business.

  1. Download and complete our Program Book Ad Form
  2. Mail your ad with your payment by November 14, 2018, to:

    Ms. Susan M. Duffy 
    Mabbett & Associates, Inc.
    5 Alfred Circle
    Bedford, MA 01730-2318

Banquet Reservation

Please join us as we celebrate and congratulate our Distinguished Service Awards recipient(s) and our Scholastic Achievement Awards Recipients

  1. Download and complete our Banquet Reservation Form
  2. Mail your reservation with your payment by November 19, 2018, to:

    Ms. Susan M. Duffy 

    Mabbett & Associates, Inc.
    5 Alfred Circle
    Bedford, MA 01730-2318

