Watch for N. G. Beram Veterans' Scholastic Achievement Awards Application to be posted at a later date.
The Nicholas G. Beram
Veteran's Association
72nd Anniversary Celebration and
52nd Scholastic Achievement Awards Banquet
Saturday, November 24, 2018
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Hilton Hotel Dedham
25 Allied Dr, Dedham, MA 02026
(Exit 14 Route 95/128)
Program Ad Book
We hope you will support our organization by placing an Ad in our Program Book which will be distributed at the banquet.
This would be a perfect time to remember a loved one, honor a relative or friend, congratulate our awardees or promote your business.
- Download and complete our Program Book Ad Form
Mail your ad with your payment by November 14, 2018, to:
Ms. Susan M. Duffy
Mabbett & Associates, Inc.
5 Alfred Circle
Bedford, MA 01730-2318
Banquet Reservation
Please join us as we celebrate and congratulate our Distinguished Service Awards recipient(s) and our Scholastic Achievement Awards Recipients
- Download and complete our Banquet Reservation Form
- Mail your reservation with your payment by November 19, 2018, to:
Ms. Susan M. Duffy
Mabbett & Associates, Inc.
5 Alfred Circle
Bedford, MA 01730-2318